7 Lack Having Muscular Body

7 Lack Having Muscular Body

Body goals everywhere. Everyone is competing to have a better body by building and growing muscles. But do you know if there is a fee from raising your muscles?

The payment here is a negative effect. The following are negative effects that you need to consider if you want to increase muscle tone.

1. Hard to find clothes

Increased muscle mass will certainly make your old clothes no longer fit to wear. That requires you to look for new clothes. But looking for clothes will not be as easy as you think like you used to.

Your muscles make you have to look for bigger clothes. It doesn't matter if your body size is still normal, but if it's already in the "giant" stage, believe me you won't get clothes that fit you.

2. Get a lot of attention

Being big certainly gets a lot of attention. If you are actually someone who does not like public attention, then building muscle will actually be a problem. Everyone will pay attention to you and it is not impossible that there is social jealousy directed at you.

3. Too much strength

It should be noted that larger muscles, obviously will make you have greater strength as well. This is sometimes detrimental. For example when shaking hands with people, with your muscles and greater strength it is not impossible that you hurt them by holding them too hard even if you didn't mean to.

4. Reduced body flexibility

Large muscles will limit your joints so that you will be more difficult to bend your body. This is most felt when you try to pat your own back. Guaranteed you are muscular and big body will have difficulty doing this. Not to mention you also can no longer reach small areas such as the corner of the room or under the bed.

5. Too obsessed with one thing

There is a statement in the fitness industry if the day you want to be big is the day you will never feel big enough. Building muscle can direct you to the stages of anorexia and other body image psychiatric disorders. Many fitness individuals report that when they look in the mirror, they are not satisfied with the body shape they have and become bigger.

6. Move slower

Big muscle means to gain weight. Gaining weight means becoming more burdensome for you in moving. Automatic it makes you move slower. If you don't like to move slowly, don't increase your muscles. In addition you will also spend more space.

7. Eat more

The bigger your body, the more food you eat. That's because your big muscles need a greater metabolism and to fulfill them requires more nutrition. If you are someone who is difficult to make money, you should think twice about raising muscles.

Shaping the body into something we dream of is good, but there is always a risk behind it. After knowing the effects like this, do you still want to increase your muscles? Or instead you undo your intentions and try to love yourself for who you are?

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